Journalist discovers her husband death while giving the news cast

On April 9th, Supreet Kaur, who reads the news for India’s IBC24 channel, discovered that her husband died in an accident that she was reporting on live television. What was insanely remarkable was the fact that she kept her composer and continued to finish other headlines of news stories for ten more minutes. After finally being done with reporting the news, “but she then broke down in tears shortly after the broadcast yesterday morning, the Hindustan Times reports.” The staff learned that her husband was killed before she reported the story, but they stated: “We did not tell her. We did not have the courage.” You can tell from the video that Hindustan Time posted that she didn’t even let the news phase her. She kept her composure for the remainder of her time on the air. Brave soul.

A place for terrorist – WhatsApp

WhatsApp has now become a common application on mobile devices for people to communicate with others. It accommodates people in different states, countries and time zones. It has become widely popular because it doesn’t charge you any extra cash on your phone bill for texts to family or friends who happen to be on the other side of the world. What a lot of people don’t know is that WhatsApp is a common place where terrorist communicate because it cannot be tracked by the FBI or any other police source. On March 26th, Khalid Masood killed four people in Westminster, UK. It is understood that he was using WhatsApp to communicate with others just two minutes prior to his attack on the innocent people. The main reason that terrorist find it convenient  to use WhatsApp is because “All messages sent on WhatsApp have end-to-end encryption, meaning they are unreadable if intercepted by anyone, including law enforcement and WhatsApp itself.” All in all, Amber Rudd said she would be meeting technology firms this week to further discuss incorporating some type of intelligent system trigger for terrorist triggered conversations.

Ohio Nightclub Shooting

On March 26th around 1:30 in the morning, the police got some emergency calls reporting that gun shots had been fired from the local nightclub, Cameo, in Ohio. Back in 2015, Cameo nightclub also experienced another shooting on New Years Days as well in September of that same year. “There was no indication the shooting was terrorism-related,” Cincinnati Mayor John Cranley said at a news conference. Which, I believe, is a relief because the Orlando shooting only happened nearly six months ago. Apparently, a few local men got into an argument that escalated and ended with them drawing on each other and other individuals. Although they check people who enter the club for any possessions like guns or knifes, multiple people were found with handhelds that night. One person was declared killed and fifteen injured.  Ohio Governor John Kasich said he was “saddened” by the shooting. It’s so sad to see things get out of hand in these nightclubs. I purpose better security for all nightclubs, to prevent any further club incidents this year.




Assignment in lieu of monday’s class

I think that advertising does a good job at presenting the positive effects of a drug or product before they introduce the negative. For example, in many commercials about drugs that help prevent depression they show stories of people that have already taken the drug and are happy and civilized. Near the end of the commercial is when they list – in a particularly fast-paced speaking voice – all the possible side effects that could damage your body more than help it. In doing so, they attempt to distract you with sweet and joyful images on the screen of families spending time with their “healed” love ones. So, in a way, they capitalize on the positive results of their issues rather than the problems that could occur if things don’t cooperate within the mind and body. It is okay for companies to push their products on patients that would receive harm from it because there have clearly been some cases where the prescription has worked. Aside from the money, I like to believe that businesses want what’s best for the people they are selling it to so they may receive some profits and further business from them.

Vogue Celebrates 125 Years

Almost a century and a half ago, Vogue magazine published their first issue of in 1892, presenting their clothes, models, and trendy styles for all Americans to see. Until 1916, Vogue was very popular. By WWII, they had turned their focus on women and they’re prices skyrocketed. Vogue magazine was shipped to the Old World and printed there in England for about twenty more years. In 1932, Vogue published there first ever color first page, featuring pictures of only the best models and most famous photographers at the time. The list goes on and on of the accomplishments of Vogue magazine. Nowadays, they are known as the most luxurious models that are sexy, elegant, and professional that we everyday-people drool over. They demonstrate class and power and serve as a model for teenagers to some day achieve. And today, they celebrate their 125 anniversary. Congradualtions on your achievements and good luck on rest!


Pewdiepie or Pewdiebye?

If you haven’t heard of the famous Youtube star Pewdiepie, other know as Felix Kjellberg, you clearly haven’t seen the “Popular” tab on youtube’s homepage. Felix is a average twenty-five year old Swedish guy who travels the world playing games and makes money off of it. Pewdiepie has over fifty-three million subscribers, getting more and more each day. His videos consists of vulgar, intense, comedic, reactions to RPG games, quizzes, dares, or anything else you can think of. Felix often has absolutely no-filter when it comes to his videos. While being hilarious, he makes a lot of racist and sexist jokes. Joke like these can be a tricky subject, even for stand-up comedians. When presenting these jokes, people often get offended, even if they know the context of when the joke was used. Last week, pewdiepie was attacked my the media about his jokes regarding nazi’s and black people. The whole situation got blown out of proportion, ending with both Youtube and Disney cutting their ties with the famous Youtuber. While he still stands tall and carefree at fifty-three million subscribers, many of his followers are still on his side. When you take Felix’s comments out of context, of course they are going to sound harsh, vulgar, and racist. As a loyal subscriber who as been watching him from the beginning, I know he is ALWAYS joking when it comes to these jokes. Nothing that comes out of his mouth  should be taken seriously, and the media should know this. As usual, the media likes to slander any celebrity when they get the chance, ruining their reputation. It’s a pity. I stand with pewdiepie. #BroFist


PewDiePie anti-Semitic scandal journalist targeted by angry online mob over ‘hypocritical’ tweets about Jewish and black people

Your Brain On Video Games

Daphne Bavelier is a brain scientist. As a brain scientist, she was particularly interested in how the brain learns and comprehends information. In her lab, their goal is to possibly find anyway that they can make the brain smarter, faster, and stronger. Over the years, there has been a lot of controversy over action games and how they affect the brain. On average, Bavelier claims, that people spend more time playing video games a week then they do homework. In addition to that, violent and action filled games such as Call of Duty or Fall Out have taken the title as games that negatively affect a person’s brain. In Bavelier’s Ted Talk, she claims that the stereotype “to much screen time makes your eye sight worse” is false. A study in her lab showed that people that played up to 15 hours of video games a week had better eye sight then the average human. When playing action games, the brain adapts to reading small detail in the context of clutter which can be useful for reading small texts on prescription bottles or labels. Playing action games also helps the mind resolve different levels of gray which comes in handy when driving and provides the mind to track more objects at one time then the average person. All in all, Bavelier claims that with the right amount of restraint when playing a video game, it can actually have positive effects on the brain.


Zealandia – Earth’s New Continent

Around 1995, Bruce Luyendyk, a geologist professor from the University of California Santa Barbara, named a section of New Caledonia and New Zealand “Zealandia.” This new continent, takes up nearly two million square feet of land. Zealandia is almost the size of India. Unfortunately, about 94 percent of this new area is completely submerged underwater. Of the six percent left, a landscape of  beautiful snowcapped mountains is what can be vividly seen. Although this continent has been known to exist for awhile by the journal of the Georgia Society of America, only the research and observations in the past few decades has given scientist enough support to claim this as the eighth continent.

“I wanted to just lump all of these masses together,” Luyendyk told ABC News today. “It was really just a convenient way to refer to this area.”

Time to add “Zealandia” to our elementary school jingle to learning the contients of the planet Earth!

Darker or Duller?

The Fifty Shades of Grey series has been a phenomenon since it hit the market back in June of 2011. We’ve all read the books, talked about it to our closest friends, and saw the first movie although we won’t admit it to our parents. And tomorrow, the 2nd movie of the series airs. Darker. I think we all can agree that the 1st movie did not nearly make it close to the expectations of the viewers. The reviews and fans of the books hyped up the movie only to disappoint us with little to no actual good sexy scenes. But there back again to hopefully make up for the first crap they put on the screen. A recent post about Darker claims that the movie may be dirtier then the first but it’s merely “child’s play” and that Universal Studios “might as well hang up the whips now.” But that’s for you to decide. Fifty Shades of Grey: Darker opens its magic show for everyone tomorrow.

Military Vets Fight Against Deportation Orders

Ashley Sietsema, was a member of the National Guard, serving her time Imagine serving the United States Of America, died in Kuwait on Veterans Day in 2007. Along with many others that risk their own protection for the safety of others. Olivia Segura was Ashley’s mother. After this incident, her daughters death caused a great damage to the Segura family. After the recent inauguration of Donald J. Trump, their has been an upcoming of bills thats are trying to be passed on the deportation of veterans families. Before Barack Obama’s term ended, Barack set up a priority system in which the families of veterans are not to be deported. Donald has now signed an executive order dismissing that.

“Mr. Trump says he is there for citizens and for the military,” Segura said. “I think he can make an exception.”

Clearly, Mr. Trump hasn’t kept his word since he won the presidency.

I would agree that Mr. Trump has kept his word on a whole variety of subjects. Such as deleting the LGBTQ+ community hyperlink from his official website with all his information. Of course, that’s a different subject.